Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Excellency of His Love


The Lord showed me that as we yield to him the excellency of his love will make us holy as he is holy!

Isaiah said that he was unclean, but the fire of His (God's) love made him clean.  Like Isaiah we must acknowledge that we are unclean and He is clean, that He is holy and we are unholy.  By acknowledging this He will sanctify us and make us clean in the excellency of His love as His love becomes a reality, in this I mean as we "encounter" the Lord for as we encounter Him we encounter His Love.  Along with this we must choose to present ourselves to him everyday, as presenting ourselves is not a one time deal.  As we do this he becomes Lord of all that our body consist of and not just one aspect of our body.  The transformation process and the excellency of His love takes its place in us mightily as we yield to Him by simply giving ourselves over to Him every single day.  This is an excellent process because He is lord of the process!