Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Honor and Fatherhood

Matthew 19:14

When I think about fatherhood, I cannot go any further without thinking about my own father.  My father’s name is George Curry but he is well known as the late Bishop G.O. Curry Junior.  Presiding prelate over Presence of God Tabernacle churches Inc.  He was a pastor, founder and bishop of 9 churches total in his life time and he was a pastor and bishop to many in the body of Christ.  From the state of California to Alabama to Detroit to the vast south east region my father travelled for many years.  From his humble beginnings of growing up in the projects, to the time when he was elected as a honorary board member of one of the most prestigious bible colleges in the country my father was 1st and foremost a dad.  I remember when I could not wait to see him after being gone weeks at a time and seeing him and hanging out with him and just talking.  Quite honestly, our dialog  seemed to start by his knock at the door, coming to pick me up.  My father was a great man, but I think what made him great was the fact that he was a man that sought the Lord and at the same time was a  great father and such a wonderful mentor.  People loved my father.  My father really had a heart for people.  It didn’t matter what denomination you were, what color, what age or what walk of life, he simply loved people, and it showed.  I think that was the example of my father to me,and simply as the best father that ever lived in my eyes, was that he was a man with all of these attributes and was yet imperfect and flawed.  Thru the years he has always remained a father and an example and quite honestly, this is how I saw my father, mistakes flaws and all.  Above all of that I saw him as a man of God, period!  That is the beauty of fatherhood and being a father, and this brings me to a very important point.  Jesus mentioned that we have the example of the child, seeing things thru a child’s eyes in innocence this is the pathway to the kingdom of God.  I feel like I can in no way come into the fullness of my fatherhood or my identity without honoring the greatness and become able and open to capture the love and identifying with the good that is in my father.  So this day I choose to honor my father.  I find it a privilege to remember such a great man and to me from my observation the greatest father that walked the planet.  I can say that as I remember him I will always view my experience of my father with a child’s heart, and now that I myself am a father the purity of how I see my father is still with me.  Know this, that it is how I see my father that determines to what degree I can truly inherit what he has set aside for me and possess what is rightfully mine, both naturally and spiritually speaking.  From God the father and our natural fathers as well.  

Sunday, December 4, 2011

***COMING SOON***Man at War - The Attack on the true authority and the voice of the Father in our Homes and Society***COMING SOON***

Topics that will be discussed:

The deception of silence -

Media and Fatherhood -

The need of the father and fulfillment (In the Home and in his calling) -


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Art Of War

Coming soon!
The art of war:
A.Principles Of Warfare -


And He Laid Aside His Garments

Coming soon:
And he laid aside His garments:
John13:1-16 (1-7)
Coming into the embracing reality of the Lord's desire to reveal new levels of intimacy with his body!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Reckless Abandonment


One evening as I was crying out to God in utter desperation, I heard him say"reckless abandonment".  I felt the need to share it's several definitions and meanings as listed below.  This is indeed the hour that we as the church awake, arise, and put on reckless abandonment unto the Lords purposes.

"To do or say something without regards for the consequences."

"Reckless meaning, Heedless of danger or consequences; rash; careless.
Abandon meaning, To leave completely; to desert; to give up; or discontinue. A complete surrender to natural impulses; Freedom of constraint.
To leave give up completely, or desert, without fear of danger or consequence in a rash,careless, or impulsive manor; to be free from all constraint."

"It means to do something with no regard....like a "Bull in a China Shop". Think of it as a free for all or if you see a young kid who's looking through his toy chest and just ripping through the toys and tossing them all over the place while he's trying to find ONE thing!"

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Origin of Mankind

Ephesians 1:18-19

Having a consciousness of God or being God-conscious is more than something we do and it must go beyond something we want. It must become our culture, it must become our life, our nature & it must become what we must become.
It is having an awareness that he is always with us, he is always mindful of us & that we are always loved.  It is being aware of the fact that he is always looking to manifest himself to us in some way in our lives right where we are.  As we grow in the consciousness of God, we become more aware of his presence. As a result, our hunger and thirst for him grows exceedingly... drawing us closer and closer, more and more, and it awakens us to the very fact that he is always forever present with us.  An aspect of this is in us feeling his presence, but it is not confined nor limited by us feeling him or not feeling him.  It is the cultivating lifestyle that takes us back to our original glorified state, the state of having a God consciousness as the sum total of who we are. For as we are God-conscious as in our God ordained state, the consciousness of sin is absent.  For to the degree and level of us being God-conscious is to the degree we are less aware of our fallen state.

His Presence

Jeremiah 29:13

The answer to every issue, and every human problem is found in his presence.  The answers to our challenges and difficulties will never be found in a human answer.  The answer is in the secret place of his presence.  It always has been. His presence and his presence alone is the answer.  It's the only answer!  Not religion, not church, not our families, not money, not a method, not another service, not another conference, but it is his presence!  It will take total and utter abandonment of all that we hold on to and to run after him will all of our being!  This my friends, is the answer in your life and in mine to every human problem.

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Time Of Separation


The time of separation and reckless abandonment is upon us.  The Lord Is calling
Us as a people to separate ourselves unto him.  Only then will he return unto us the deep fiery passion for souls!  If we are lukewarm we will not make it in these times.  We must ask ourselves, at this moment, to whom or to what am I submitted to?  Who is Lord over me?  Who's servant am I?  Who's kingdom am I endorsing or promoting by what I say or what I do on a consistent basis?  The hour has come, this is that time that the call of the Lord's pleasure is upon us!  An aspect of that pleasure is that we with reckless abandonment forfeit our plans and as we lay our lives down we embrace his full purposes for us.  The lost, the hurting,  the riches of his glory, heavenly realities, and the surpassing greatness of his power and with all of these things the abundance of his grace is awaiting our entering into the set place of complete and utter separation unto the master, and as an example our lives completely forsaken and in turn we take on his desires, his purposes, obtaining to the fullness of the Godhead as his body.  IT IS TIME!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I Cor 12:9

Doubt, discouragement, despondency and frustration.

We all face these challenges in life from time to time.  As much as we are human, we will have these challenges confront us, but if left unchecked could cause us serious harm and can cause us to fall into sin.
When these things come, do not wear them, do not own them and do not entertain them.  They are to be used as offerings!  This may sound odd, but trust and believe the Lord is looking for his little ones to bring these things to him, as he welcomes them as much as he welcomes the offerings of blessing, worship or adoration we bring to him.  Give them to the Lord, lay them at the altar, and literally see yourself laying them on the altar and offering them unto the Lord as he is waiting to take those things and in return refresh you with hope, new insight, strength, and an anointed resolve to see his promises come to pass in your life.  There is someone reading this right now and the enemy has told you to give up, the grace of God has lifted, but no, that's not so, that's a lie from the father of lies!  In fact Gods is gracing you for the nearness of the blessing, the miracle, and the breakthrough that you have been waiting on!  God's grace is in your midst,his grace stronger than ever, and it will carry you thru, seeing you until the very end!  It is so good to have the assurance that his Grace, is made perfect when we are at our weakest state!  His grace unveils a view of his love that, with out it we would not be able to see with clarity.  May his grace fill you, cover you, enable you, reveal to you, and provoke you, to walk in his ability of truly trusting him with all that we have within us!