Sunday, April 10, 2011


***Luke11:17 A kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will FALL!  One mind, one mission, one vision! Playing against the rules will always hurt your family, if you don’t see it in your lifetime, you kids or their kids will.  The present generation and or future generations will be adversely effected!
A: In order to build a house, prayer & the word are the foundation!  No prayer, no word, no foundation= no house, PERIOD! Isaiah 56:7b
Matt7:24-25 – Therefore if anyone hears these sayings of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on a rock, the rain came down, the storms rose and the winds blew and beat aganist the house yet it did not fall, cause it had its foundation on a rock.

B:No tolerance for division in the family!  We don’t burn and purposely look to hurt one another, we are all on the same team!
C:Building trust among family members.  This is developed thru honesty, commitment, patience and Love!
D: Psalm127:1 unlesss the Lord builds a house, they that labor labor in vain. A house you can buy, but a home is built thru prayer, commitment, communication and Jesus being Lord!  In order for him to be Lord we have to die!  Die to our Ideals about what we think family is, our mental thoughts about the family that are not in line with Gods word.  Stop getting our family structure outline from the news and the Media!!
E:Exodus20:17 – Thou shall now covet thy neighbors house. – What priceless treasure has God hidden in your family for you all to discover?  You may look at the Jones down the street and want to model what you see, but we never know whats going on behind closed doors.
Proverbs:15:27-A greedy(selfish) man/person brings trouble to his family. Don’t be selfish in your decisions, you are only hurting yourself in the long and the short run of things.
1.      God – the creator of the family.
2.      Love – the “Blood flow” that makes the family strong and keeps the family together.
3.      Prayer – Family that prays together stays together.
4.      Family time – Make it a priority!
5.      Devotion – If you can take 30 minutes out to eat together then you can take 15 minutes out to read the bible and let the rest of the family ask questions.
6.      Listen talk and share!  Lend an ear to a family member in need!  As I tell my Kids, “listen 1st talk 2nd.
7.      Parents be honest with your Kids about your struggles that you have had and are having.
8.      Lots and lots of hugs!
9.      Make it a priority to call at least one family member you have not talked to in a while at least once a week.  Ask God to show you who to call on that week and commit to call them!
10.  Having enough love and respect to except one another's differences without prejudice, and in every effort no matter how much we disagree we show love.
11.  We need one another, wither we know it or not, want to except it or not, believe it or not!
12.  Everyone has a part to play in the family to help it run like God ordained for it to run.  Are you doing  your part?  Everyone will have to give an account of their role and what was required of them.
13.  Hug a family member! (Hug A family member that you don’t see eye to eye with and let them know that you love them and you are there for them and if they need anything to let you know!

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