Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Origin of Mankind

Ephesians 1:18-19

Having a consciousness of God or being God-conscious is more than something we do and it must go beyond something we want. It must become our culture, it must become our life, our nature & it must become what we must become.
It is having an awareness that he is always with us, he is always mindful of us & that we are always loved.  It is being aware of the fact that he is always looking to manifest himself to us in some way in our lives right where we are.  As we grow in the consciousness of God, we become more aware of his presence. As a result, our hunger and thirst for him grows exceedingly... drawing us closer and closer, more and more, and it awakens us to the very fact that he is always forever present with us.  An aspect of this is in us feeling his presence, but it is not confined nor limited by us feeling him or not feeling him.  It is the cultivating lifestyle that takes us back to our original glorified state, the state of having a God consciousness as the sum total of who we are. For as we are God-conscious as in our God ordained state, the consciousness of sin is absent.  For to the degree and level of us being God-conscious is to the degree we are less aware of our fallen state.

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