Friday, July 8, 2011

A Time Of Separation


The time of separation and reckless abandonment is upon us.  The Lord Is calling
Us as a people to separate ourselves unto him.  Only then will he return unto us the deep fiery passion for souls!  If we are lukewarm we will not make it in these times.  We must ask ourselves, at this moment, to whom or to what am I submitted to?  Who is Lord over me?  Who's servant am I?  Who's kingdom am I endorsing or promoting by what I say or what I do on a consistent basis?  The hour has come, this is that time that the call of the Lord's pleasure is upon us!  An aspect of that pleasure is that we with reckless abandonment forfeit our plans and as we lay our lives down we embrace his full purposes for us.  The lost, the hurting,  the riches of his glory, heavenly realities, and the surpassing greatness of his power and with all of these things the abundance of his grace is awaiting our entering into the set place of complete and utter separation unto the master, and as an example our lives completely forsaken and in turn we take on his desires, his purposes, obtaining to the fullness of the Godhead as his body.  IT IS TIME!

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